Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dental Hygiene

So I am almost finished with my first semester of the UVU dental hygiene program, and i'm LOVING it!!! I love the things I am learning, and the other 15 girls in my program are great. I love them all!! I must admit, it's been the longest semester of my life, but that's only because I feel like I have learned a years worth of material in just a few months. It's been a ton of work and studying, but I finally feel like i'm learning and studying things I actually need to know because I'll actually use it.
The first part of the semester was lectures and book
work, but last week we started working on each other in clinic. In January we start working on actual patients! I'm kind of nervous for that, but they tell
us if we just fake like we know what we are doing, everything will be fine :) ha ha I love my instructors!! They are really laid back, which is great because if they were uptight and strict this whole process would be tons more stressful!! But they are very understanding and try their best to help us understand and get good grades.

My first day in clinic with my partner Alyssa

Me and Mrs. Dowd

Mrs Veit-one of the funniest/most scatter-brained instructors alive :)

Jenny and I

Bobbi and Kelly

Lisa and Krista

So this is the program so far. Hopefully the rest of my two years go just as well!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're enjoying your program! Keep it up! You'll do great! haha and if all else fails, just "fake like you know what you're doing." HAHA! Thats pretty funny your instructors said that :)

