Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Down Four to Go!!

I passed my first Board exam!! One step closer to becoming a dental hygienist. Hoorah!! I was so nervous for this first one, since I had no idea what it would be like. I studied and studied and STUDIED for it until I literally ran out of material to study. It was the written local anesthesia exam, which isn't a huge one, but i'm still really glad I passed. My next one is in two weeks and it's my Process of Care exam. I need to start studying for it, but my score on the last exam has given me a false sense of security...dang it!! Then a couple weeks after that and I have my clinical local anesthesia exam where I inject someone while two old ladies lean over my shoulder and make sure I do everything exactly right. Not excited for that one. Then my two biggest tests after that, and then I am done!!! So sorry I have been an awful blogger lately, but I have more on my plate than I can handle sometimes!! I just can't quit imagining about the day I graduate and how wonderful it will be to actually make money!!! Just the thought of it all is so exciting!!!
