Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's Been Awhile!

So I haven't posted anything in awhile!! I'm a lame blogger, but what can I say, I'm a busy girl!!! So I'll post about a few things that are going on right now. First is hygiene school. I LOVE IT!!! It's a ton of work, but I love learning about things that I will actually need to know!! It doesn't seem like worthless junk I will never use again in my life (like math), so it's really enjoyable. I took my first test for Oral Anatomy and Physiology on Monday and got 100. Woot woot!! I have another test for Dental Hygiene 1 this afternoon which I should be studying for....but I need a break! I can only study for so long until I get sidetracked. Anyway, that's school :) My dating life is fantastic...I'm dating the cutest guy named Andy....he's amazing. We spend pretty much all our free time together, and I love it!! He's met most of my family with the exception of Miranda, and they all love him. Myk and him get along really well, and he's so sweet with her. He makes me very very happy :) Life is good. The only complaint I have is that I don't have a job. The original plan was that I would just live off of what I saved over the summer and focus on school, but it stresses me out not to have some kind of an income. I want some play money!!! So I'm looking into a couple jobs that might give me like 6 hours of work a week. I can't work too much because school pretty much consumes my life, but I need something!! Hmm...what else is going! I get to go to the Safetysuit concert tonight with Andy which is going to be super fun!! I love Safetysuit!!! So that's my life right now. Things are going well!!:)

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POST! Good for you for posting. I haven't blogged in over a year and now I'm scared to. Sounds like things are going great with Andy. I can't believe M-Rand hasn't met him yet. Haha! Love ya & miss ya!

