Thursday, April 21, 2011

RCA Graduation

Yesterday Andy graduated from the Recruit Candidate Academy. WOOHOOO!!! This means he can now be a real firefighter :) I'm so proud of him!! It was a long, hard semester, but with a whole lot of prayer and hard work he did it. He's now applying at stations in Davis County, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that something good will happen for us. So yesterday I got to go to his graduation, and it was actually pretty fun (graduations aren't usually my idea of a good time). We got to watch this really cool video his class made. It's on Youtube, so you can go watch it here- Then we got to watch him get his certificates, and after that he took us on a tour around the school. Then off to Texas Roadhouse we went! It was a very good night :)
Congratulations Andy!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay for graduations!!

    i'm hoping since he's applying with davis county that means your done with orem?

    let's reunite!

