Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sub For Santa

So I know I'm a little late on this, but I thought it would be better late than never! A few weeks ago Mykenzie and I did Sub for Santa that RC Willey put on. My dad called and asked if I wanted to go help little kids shop for Christmas presents and my response was something like "Heck ya!!!" The he said "Well....before you get too excited...you would have to be in SLC at 6:15am." Bummer. But I did it anyways!! Me and Kenz woke up and met at 5:00 (ugh) and started drivin! We got to the address they had given us and the building was pitch black. I was not a happy camper. I was worried we had got out of bed insanely early for nothing, so we called dad and tried to figure out if we had the wrong day, the wrong building, or what. So he told us to look for a Sorenson Multicultural Center, and that was definitely not where we were. We got back in the car and went a block over and found where we were supposed to be. We waited in a looong line of volunteers, then finally got the little boy we were assigned to help. His name was Fernando, and he didn't speak two words of English. The one and only word I understood the entire morning was crayons ha ha. But they put us on these big charter buses and we set off for Wal Mart. There were cops blocking off the roads because we had about 15 huge buses all in a line, and it would have taken forever to get there if they had just driven there on their own. So we all got off all the buses, and there were SO many kids. Needless to say the toy section was a madhouse!! But it was really fun helping Fernando shop for Christmas presents!! He was basically pulling any toy he saw into the cart, so Kenz and I help guide him to the ones we thought he might actually have fun playing with. Then we went and picked out some clothes and socks for him to take home too. After we were done shopping we loaded everything back on the bus and went back to the Cultural Center. I was so glad that I went, even though I was incredibly tired by 10. It was fun to be in the hustle and bustle of things and know that we were helping out little Fernando pick out the only Christmas presents he would get. I love doing things like this!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool experience! Thats so neat you got to help little Fernando!

