Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Are you ready for my GREAT NEWS?? I got into the Dental Hygiene program at
I can't tell you how flippin excited I am!! I had been waiting to get a letter from them all week long, and when the weekend came I decided I wouldn't check the mail because if it was bad news I didn't want it to ruin my whole weekend. Then on Sunday morning I couldn't wait any longer, so I went to the mailbox, and there it was, my lone piece of mail staring me in the face. AAAAHHHH!!!!
I rushed over to my friends Mckell and Lindsey's apartment so that I didn't have to open it alone. It took me awhile before I got the courage to open it, but when I did I was running around like I had just won the lottery. I was so excited!!! I was one of only fourteen to get accepted. Whoa!!
I start in the fall, and in just two years I will be a dental hygienist. Woot woot!


  1. That's so great!!!! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! I'm very proud of you and wish I could have been there to see you open it. Haha sounds funny.

  3. CONGRATS ALEXA!! Thats so awesome! How exciting!! good luck with the program! You will be great at it!! :)

