Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lovin' Life

So I've lived in Provo for six months now, and oh how time flies!! So much has happened here and I am so grateful for all of it. I have learned SO much and I am a different person now then I was before I moved here.
I was really nervous to come here at first because I would always hear people ragging on this place and how it's like living in a bubble. While it has it's bubble aspects, it's not what people say it is at all! Whenever I told people I was moving here they would look at me with such confusion and disgustedly ask me why in the heck I would do such a thing. I needed a change, that's why!! And what a great change it has been. Provo is a beautiful place, and I'm so happy to be here!
I really feel like I have become such a different person since I moved. I have grown up SOOO much which is kind of a scary idea to me, but so exciting at the same time. I see it in myself, and those around me have mentioned they see it too. I am finally ok with leaving my childhood behind, and stepping into adulthood. When I graduated high school I felt like the fun part of my life was over, and that it was all down hill from there. It has taken me two years to realize that my life is only beginning! So many opportunities await me and I'm finally excited about my future instead of wishing I had my past back. It's such a great blessing to finally feel that way!

These are some of the most important things I have learned while being here:

1. The gospel really is the way to find true happiness. Period.

2. I am not able to keep everyone happy all the time. It's just not possible, so it's not the end of the world when someone doesn't like something I do or a decision I make.

3.It's ok to go places by myself. It doesn't mean I'm a loser with no friends. In fact, I'm starting to prefer going places alone every once in awhile!

4. It's ok to say no! Even if the person I'm saying no to is not going to like it. This kind of goes back to not trying to make everyone happy with me all the time.

5. Love isn't such a scary thing, and I don't want to puke every time I think about being married now. I'm slowly warming up to the idea that someday (In the very distant future) I will be married. Ha ha :)

6. I am confident about who I am. This is such a huge thing, and I feel very lucky to be able to say that!!

7. I am constantly getting a better idea about what I want, and what I don't. This is a continuing thing for me, and I'm guessing it will be for pretty much my entire life.

8. Quality of friends is more important then quantity. I have finally been able to cut out the "friends" in my life that have been a burden on me for years. What a relief that has been!!!

9. A true friend is extremely rare!! Luckily, I have been blessed with some, and I'm so thankful for them!! I've also learned that to keep a true friend, I have to be one myself. A good lesson to learn early!

10. Being a "player" isn't cool. While it's talked up to be a good thing and proof of how cool someone is, it's not. It creates so many problems, and messes with other people's feelings. I'm glad to see thru that whole image now.

Basically I have just become a more secure, much happier person. I am loving life, and I am so glad that the Lord led me here. I just want to say again that the gospel is the key to a happy life. THAT is probably the most valuable lesson I have learned here.


  1. I like this post, especially the part where you say your life is just beginnning. I read on a random person's blog something like, "High school is not the best years of your life. College is better. College is not the best years of your life. Your 20s are better. 20s aren't the best years of your life. Your 30s are better. I hope the trend continues."

    When I read that, I just loved it. Me and Ranae always say, "What does growing up mean, anyway?" Just because you get older, it doesn't mean that life isn't fun anymore. In many ways it just gets better and better.

  2. cousin.
    i thought i commented your blog?
    maybe i didnt.
    please update us all on your life.

    its been some time.....

